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If You're Hoppy (2011)

by April Pulley Sayre(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 4
0061566349 (ISBN13: 9780061566349)
Greenwillow Books
review 1: My one song I've been working on playing on guitar is If You're Happy and You Know It. Imagine my squeals of delight then with this book that gave me the joy of breaking out of that song and being silly with it after tons of repetition for guitar practice!Plus, you have the added bonuses of prediction because of how the story/song is laid out and the humor! I'm not sure yet how I'd manage to do it in storytime yet because of the logistics of page turning and instrument playing, but know I'm thinking on it :)
review 2: This book is adorable. If you are familiar with the song, "If You're Happy and You Know It" then you will like this book. The overall theme of is similar to the song. Throughout the book you will be introduced to various animals such as a bunny, a
... more frog, a cow, etc. After introducing the bunny, you will see the different animals that it comes in contact with. So for example, The author says,"If You're Hoppy and You Know It hop like a frog whenever the bunny comes in contact with a frog. I think that this book would be great book for pre-k or kindergarden. It could be a fun way to describe the characteristics of animals and a good read a loud/call and respond book. The illustrations are vibrant as well. I enjoy looking at the characters and wondering what would be next upon turning the page. Overall it was a great book and I could see myself using this book in the future. less
Reviews (see all)
Great illustrations, fun text, Preschoolers will enjoy it. So will kindergartners.
Fun to read aloud. Fun for my granddaughters to read to me!
Cute twist on the song. Be sure to sing the book!
4 year olds enjoyed this at storytime.
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