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Daily Wisdom For Women - January 2014: 2014 Devotional Collection (2014)

by Barbour Publishing(Favorite Author)
4.18 of 5 Votes: 4
Barbour Books
review 1: This was a nice, one month freebie devotional that I downloaded from Amazon Kindle. I was pretty happy with this overall. There is a daily writing, based on a scripture reference, with a nice prayer at the end. I found each day helpful to me, which I think is the mystery of the Holy Spirit, that each day can have something applicable, no matter what is going on in your life. I thought the prayers were well written, and short and sweet. It's good to have a nice little pre-written prayer if you're not confident in your prayers, even though prayer is just conversation with God, who loves you no matter what. I do have to say the one prayer about being a submissive wife didn't work for me (yeah, I'm not a big believer in that), but otherwise, they were all great.I can't sa... morey anything more other than I recommend this one if you happened to pick it up free.
review 2: I received this book for free from Goodreads first reads program.I have not read the entire book as I hope to complete the daily devotionals in 2014. However, I started through and immediately noticed a few features that I love - each devotional begins with the scripture and ends with a simple, yet eloquent prayer. The topics seem right on point for busy women. I would have liked to see a Topic index, in addition to the scripture index, but I am very excited to put this to use in the coming year. As others have mentioned, the book is beautifully bound, so it would also make a nice gift. less
Reviews (see all)
The daily devotional was inspiring and thought provoking. I enjoyed this immensely
Great words of wisdom. A very short devotion for 31 days. Well worth the read.
Good encouragement for every day.
Loved it
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