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The Race For Second (2014)

by Chase Potter(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 1
0615982603 (ISBN13: 9780615982601)
Chase Potter Books
review 1: I wanted to like this book. I really did. I mean Freiburg? Cool – that’s just around the corner from where I live. Nice to read a book set in a place I actually know.But – no. This was just…. sad. I just finished it and I am…. sad.I was fine with the writing and I liked the characters most of the time. But the story was not for me. Some people will probably argue that this was a beautiful story. But not me. I don’t really like…. sad. Sorry.
review 2: I hate it when I finish a review and do something stupid deleting it so that I cannot get it back. Here goes again. It was probably better the first time. :-)I love it when a story takes me where I do not want to go to an ending that is perfect for the story. Chase Potter is an exceptional writer.
... more Is this really his first book? He writes with a maturity and skill many long time authors would kill for. (Dangling preposition I know.) Ethan sees life with a naivety that belies his harsh and frugal life. I love seeing Germany through his eyes. I can feel his loneliness and the depth of his longings. He wants friends. He wants love. He wants acceptance. Daniel's materialistically rich and entitled life belies his deep sadness and disappointment with life. Emotional he has an empty life. He is lost. Ethan and Daniel find something in the other that awakens their spirit but Daniel has a secret that still tears at his heart. They have different needs they expect the other to provide. Nico is a delightful character with a big heart. He deserves his own story. HINT!This story touched my heart. It is one of those books that will remain with me, haunting me - in a good way. A wonderful read. less
Reviews (see all)
Nothing wrong with the book, just for some reason didn't hold my interest.
AWWW :( I really like it. Thanks for sending me this book.
This was so beautiful and sad... and beautiful
Brilliant. Beautiful. Heartbreaking.
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