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The Sound Of Footsteps (2014)

by Diane Patterson(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: A good one-sitting read. (novella) The characters were fleshed out pretty good except for the first person giving the narrative. I gathered that she's nice to look at and sleeps with most men that give her an eye, but beyond that, I don't have a clue. Oh, I forgot, she appears to be street smart but can't even read road signs. Her baby sister, though never formally educated, has an IQ in the genius level but might be a tad autistic. They're on the run from something or someone, but that part was never very clear. For a prequel, it left a lot of unanswered questions. Overall, a nice little story for a cold and blustery night by the fire.
review 2: I think some how the books numbers got messed up. This book really seemed to be book #2. Anyway about the story, D
... morerusilla & Stevie found a little house to rent. The rent is dirt cheap. Why? Because it's haunted.Stevie is starting to come out of her shell. She plants a garden. Drusilla finds a bartender job in walking distances. Things are looking good. Maybe they don't have to run again for a while.Then things start to happen. Noises, sounds and an angry ex-husband of the landlord. Oh it gets worst.What a ride. Great character interaction. Loved all the mysteries that she finds then solves. In this book we learn more about why they are funning. less
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Was a good read. thought it was a little short. Really surprised by the ending.
good read, makes yo want to pick up next novel
Where's the rest of the book??!!?
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