Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 4.09
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Dorothy Hinshaw Patent

3.95 of 5 Votes: 1
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Books by Dorothy Hinshaw Patent
Dogs on Duty: Soldiers' Best Friends on the Battlefield and Beyond (2012)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: A picture book sized book that is loaded -- appropriately enough -- with dozens of photos of actual Military Working Dogs (MWDs) from World War to the present. The book discusses how dogs were used in WWI as messengers and Red Cross dogs to aid the wounded, recruited in WWII to ...
Saving Audie: A Pit Bull Puppy Gets a Second Chance (2011)
4.07 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: When Michael Vick's kennels were raided, officials planned to put all the dogs to sleep. After all, their life at the Vick kennels consisted of training to fight to the death and being underfed to encourage aggressive behavior. Many believed these dogs mostly likely could not be ...
When the Wolves Returned: Restoring Nature's Balance in Yellowstone (2008)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: This specific book talks about a time in history when wolves were eliminated from Yellowstone National Park. The reason were because humans believed they were the cause of the natural system being out of balance. However as the book continues the reader learns that due to the eli...
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