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Breaking Of Eggs (2010)

by Jim Powell(Favorite Author)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 3
0753827859 (ISBN13: 9780753827857)
review 1: The perfect book for this political season. I was pleasantly surprised by how deep this book went. It is the story of a man questioning the things that have governed his life. It is not a book about politics, but a book about how politics helped to shape lives. I wasn't expecting to be so drawn to the history in the story. The book comes together nicely, but its ending is probably a little too clean for me.
review 2: The story takes place in 1991 and begins in 1939 as the unsettlement in Europe begins before the start of WWII. Feliks and his brother, as children, leave Poland to live with relatives in Switzerland. The book follows Feliks' realization that he is living too much in the past. With help of friends, his ideas change and his actions follow suit.
... moreI enjoyed this somewhat atypical book and it certainly kept my interest. less
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one man's story of how life and everything you believe can change in a very short space of time.
Úttekt á hugmyndafræði síðustu aldar á persónulegum nótum. Mjög góð
Skemmtilega læsileg. Spennandi ástarsaga og svo mikið meira.
reviewed in TLS 19 March 2010
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