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Knee Deep (2012)

by Jolene Perry(Favorite Author)
3.83 of 5 Votes: 3
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review 1: This was an nice read, not great. We have a love triangle, abuse, a teenage girl that thinks your first love should be your last. And a great best friend.I didn't feel this book. There are some scenes in the book that should be a ( big) wake up call, but Ronny ( the main characters ) keeps making excuses for Shawn's abuse.Luke is a good friend and if it wasn't for him things would have escalated badly.
review 2: I won this book in a contest (woooo!) and received it in the mail on Friday I think, or maybe Thursday. Either way, I've already finished it and I really loved it! Jolene Perry's writing is so easy to read, i.e. it flows easily and isn't hard work to get through (which is a very good thing indeed). Luke was so sweet and I'm glad he finally got his girl
... more in the end. Even if he did go through a fair bit of crap to get her!I can definitely respect Ronnie because she got stronger, and I'm glad she realised she wasn't there for Luke when he needed her as a friend, and apologised for that. I'm also very glad she confronted Shawn and walked away from him. Even I the reader was surprised by how nasty and bitter Shawn ended up, but I found myself hoping he would get help for his problems. Then again, the main thing I really cared about was Ronnie and Luke getting together. :)I've been wanting to read a Jolene Perry book for aaaages 'cause I read her blog and she's awesome on that, so I got the idea her fiction would be fab too. I wasn't wrong and I'm definitely up for reading more of her stuff! :) less
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LUKE!! i freaking wish their was a luke in my life!! :) that would be so awesome!!
Great book!
3.5 stars
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