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My Mother She Killed Me, My Father He Ate Me: Forty New Fairy Tales (2010)

by Kate Bernheimer(Favorite Author)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 5
014311784X (ISBN13: 9780143117841)
Penguin Books
review 1: I wanted to love this book and I'm not sure why I didn't. It may just be that it has the normal problem with anthologies where some of the entries are beyond incredible which makes the average ones seem even worse by comparison. There was something about this whole collection that left me feeling blue-balled. I won't deny that it's brilliant and worth your money, but I felt ambivalent when I finished it. Maybe that's the problem of working with fairy tales as your baseline. They're interesting, but they're overdone. There were no reimaginings that were as bold as the ones done by Angela Carter in the Bloody Chamber and somehow, the change in tone from stories that set to emulate fairytales to the ones that tried to modernize them could be jarring. Still, I would recommend ... morereading it simply because there isn't much like it out there.
review 2: I love a good fairy tale retelling. Some of the stories in this collection are immediately recognizable retellings with a shift in perspective or time, some are more thought experiments, greatly removed from the original source and made almost unrecognizable. I generally enjoy both types of retelling, and I found some good stuff of both kinds here. Not all of the stories were great, and a few were hard for me to get through - but there were some awesome ones, and mostly, this was a collection I savored. less
Reviews (see all)
Really great collection. Faithful adaptations and far-flung cousins of fairy tales.
creepy, bizarre, and disturbing. everything i like about fairy tales.
A few good ones. Gaiman, Block...
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