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The Game Of Triumphs (2011)

by Laura Powell(Favorite Author)
3.32 of 5 Votes: 4
037586587X (ISBN13: 9780375865879)
Knopf Books for Young Readers
The Game of Triumphs
review 1: If you want an easy, quick, and fun read, then this is a book you should pick up. After finishing Allegiant, I needed a break from dystopian novels and found this book on my library's website. The book is basically about a teenage girl that stumbles upon a complicated game where players can play cards that have a prize associated with them, which could be wealth, health, etc. The Game is really complicated. Even after finishing this book I'm not sure I understand it. I think this book easily could have been 100 more pages and we would have had a richer view of how the Game is played and known more details about the characters. Also, I felt like when Cat played the Game it was almost too easy. Cat and her gang never really encountered any challenges, which is something I fe... morelt would have made this book a little more exciting. That is the main reason I am giving it three stars- it had a lot of potential to be an exciting, complex novel but just didn't quite get there. That being said, I'm still going to read the rest of the series because it is a fun and fast read.
review 2: 3.5* A strong one. This book has some great aspects to it - the fantasy portions of it are EXCELLENT (I love the blend of a real-life D&D style game being combined with tarot cards and a lot of creatively unique aspects) and the writing of those portions was mysterious and fantastical in the best way. The action portions reminded me of watching a really good cartoon/anime, as the world was just so different and atmospheric. The setting of London adds to that a lot. The trouble is that, like a cartoon and anime, one can tell this book is meant to set up the next one in the series (is it just a two-book affair or something more?) The ending makes it clear that there's a lot more to come, and the characters are all mostly just introduced. That's where my biggest issue was - not a lot of character development, and I like that in fantasy novels. Still, this book was entertaining. I got more and more into it with each chapter and look forward to reading the sequel asap. less
Reviews (see all)
An interesting concept but somewhat flat and undeveloped. The protagonist is an annoying dimwit.
The beginning was a bit slow, but the concept was very unique. A full review to come soon.
A little confusing at first, but then got easier to understand. Great though!
Loved this book almost as much as Night Circus
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