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All The Things I Love About You (2010)

by LeUyen Pham(Favorite Author)
4.16 of 5 Votes: 1
0061990299 (ISBN13: 9780061990298)
Balzer + Bray
review 1: Recommended with Caution[return][return]The story is narrated in the first person. The narrator lists all the ways she loves her son. From putting pajamas on, to eating, to playing. There are a few pages with dad (and a cringing mom – which made me chuckle).[return]The story has a very personal feel. You can tell the author is writing about her own feelings towards her little boy. It’s almost like a scrap book. The drawings in the book resemble the actual author/illustrator. I think parts of the book would appeal more to the moms reading the book than to the children. The author definitely conveys they way moms feel towards her children. The story is cute and real. The drawings are fun and whimsical. I particularly liked the simplicity of the drawings – bu... moret then there was a fabric like pattern on just about every page. It’s a pop of something different on every page. Children will enjoy looking for those.[return]I think, generally, this book would be good for one-on-one reading. Ultimately, you just get the feeling that it would actually be best suited for a mom reading it to her son. Which is good, but it limits the appeal a bit. This book is more suited to a public library than a school library.
review 2: he book is dedicated "For all those many mamas who love their little boys!" And those mamas will enjoy reflecting on the many things they love about their child-- the way his hair sticks up in the morning, the way he looks in pajamas and the way he hugs like this...and this...and this!But it's the illustrations that make this a fun read as mom tries to wrestle with her son as she's putting on his pajamas, how the little boy makes a mess with his food, how Dad throws him around, and the many instances where the little boy is calling Mama (yes on the toilet, and while she's trying to catch some ZZzz's less
Reviews (see all)
This was brilliant. I love Pham's art, and I find mother/son books particularly touching.
A sweet book with art that I will swoon over forever.
a wholesome book about the love for a child.
Mama's Boy!!! I love this book!
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