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Blood Line (2012)

by Lynda La Plante(Favorite Author)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 1
0062134329 (ISBN13: 9780062134325)
Harper Paperbacks
Anna Travis
review 1: I love the Ms. La Plante has strong female leads in her novels. She isn't afraid to show their human side as well. She has proven time and again with the Prime Suspect series. Like any woman, Anna second guesses herself and also suffers emotions that are unrelated to her career. Anna's Superior is hard on her,questions almost every move and her staff also doubts how she works the case. I like the fact that Ms. La Plante knows how it really is for a female who is trying to make in an "man's world" anyone who has ever been in law enforcement has been there done that.
review 2: As always with La Plante the story is great. You can however tell she writes for TV almost exclusively and the prose is so poor it does get distracting. It gets more bearable as you ge
... moret into the plot and is distinctive of the atmosphere she has manage to create with Prime suspect and Trial and Retribution: cold overfocus on the details, no insight into her protagonist - leaving you solely with those hazy impressions of detectives that are as dysfunctional as efficient, and battling endless demons. less
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Really enjoyed this book and has put me in the mood to read more of Linda la Plante!
Over halfway through, but I gave up on it. Just not my cup of tea.
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