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Stormwatch, Vol. 1: The Dark Side (2012)

by Paul Cornell(Favorite Author)
3.2 of 5 Votes: 2
1401234836 (ISBN13: 9781401234836)
DC Comics
Stormwatch Vol. III
review 1: This title introduces the original Stormwatch/Authority officially into the DC universe. I'm a big fan of Warren Ellis' original iteration of the title and while I enjoyed the new take on the team and its dimension spanning mission(s), it wasn't as intense or involving as it has been in the past. I did enjoy the addition of J'onn J'onnz to the team as a connection to the overal DC Universe and specifically the Justice League. I'll more than likely read the next volume to see whare the series goes, but more than anything reading this just inspired me to go back and read Ellis' original run.
review 2: Since the New 52 launch, I have tried (or will try!) a lot of different new titles. This one is showing great promise as I like the background and most of the chara
... morecters and their various abilites and team function. I thought the story was just okay, but it had to be difficult to bring new readers into this team. I am interested to see where this team goes in future volumes as they are the "secret team" governed by a "shadow council" and nothing like that "Justice League." less
Reviews (see all)
Didn't like the art, the characters, or the believability of it all. Could have been worse though.
A mishmash of characters and story that made NO sense. A complete waste of time in my opinion.
This was much better than I remembered. The characters really draw you in.
i thought it was ok. decent set up for something more.
Not as good as it used to be.
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