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Jackman (2012)

by Penny Brandon(Favorite Author)
3.28 of 5 Votes: 3
M/M Romance Group @ goodreads
review 1: It occurred to me as an afterthought when I finished the book, that I love the title now that I understand it's reference. An odd couple who proves the idiom "You can't judge a book by it's cover". Misleading first impressions and miscommunications almost derail this relationship before it starts....which would have been a real disappointment as it turned out to be just what the two young protagonists needed.
review 2: This isn't what I expected at all from the cover and description. It's a sweet story, although most of it unbelievable for me. Both characters are much more complex then I thought they would be, and I really liked Mike's thoughts and reactions. I like that not everything about Jackman was perfect, and that he was a bit off sometimes. but it start
... moreed way too fast, I like a bit of story and tension before the MCs get together, and it ended way too abruptly. I felt like a big section was chopped off before the epilogue, an important section. less
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This was good. Steve was a little too perfect but I was having fun with the story so I didn't mind.
Cute story. Thank you Penny Brandon, for donating your time and talent.
short and sweet
3.5 stars
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