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Want You Dead (2014)

by Peter James(Favorite Author)
4.11 of 5 Votes: 5
125003020X (ISBN13: 9781250030207)
Minotaur Books
Roy Grace
review 1: Romance becomes obsession in this mysterious thriller. I haven't read any of the other DS Roy Grace books but I don't think you have to - I managed to follow the storyline and the book wasn't dependent on reading others beforehand. At times it's frustrating, but that's the talent of the author making you realise the desperation of the situation. Having read reviews beforehand, many seem disappointed in this book as it stands in a series - I suggest reading this one before delving into any of the others and then making up your own mind!
review 2: As much as I am a PJ fan and have enjoyed all the Roy Grace novels so far this one for me was sadly lacking. The plot was one of the weakest, I did not engage with Red (ridiculous name) and the incessant ramblings of Br
... moreyce became boring. It was well into nearly half way before Roy and his team began any detecting. Shame, as I have enjoyed all previous in the Roy Grace series and hope PJ returns to his top form in number 11. less
Reviews (see all)
Absolutely brilliant!!!!! had me on the edge of my seat as usual, love Roy Grace.
Recomended to me by my Dad - a proper page turner.
Very good book. Could not put it down...
Not as good as other books in the series.
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