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Little Miss Red (2010)

by Robin Palmer(Favorite Author)
3.25 of 5 Votes: 5
014241123X (ISBN13: 9780142411230)
review 1: For the most part this book was good it's had it's romantic parts and it's drama parts but I found it really annoying that she was always talking about what's happens in the books like its real the constant talking about Devon from the books got so pathetic I ended up just skipping over those parts and the fact that she didn't realize after like the 3rd time jack made her pay that he was a complete sleaze was also pathetic but other then that the book was good
review 2: I have read two other books by this author that I had loved. So when I saw this at the library, I was excited to read it. I liked the plot and there so many parts that made me laugh out loud. It was so funny!! It was great and unique and the character of Sophie fits all the girls who wanted to
... morehave an exciting life and live life on the edge while having a storybook romance. Which fits me too. I always wanted to have a big adventure and have a romance book boyfriend. Which is what Sophie wanted to have to. She was bored with the same things and the same guy, she wanted to find an exciting life. I liked the characters. Especially Sophie!! She was just to funny. I also didn't like Micheal at the beginning, but he was growing on me at the end. But I hated Jack, he was good on the plane, but then he was just so stupid. I'm so glad she didn't choose him. The ending was cute and I liked it!! Everything might not be perfect, but it's getting there. So all in all, this was a pretty good book and I can't wait to read more books by this author. Enjoy!!! less
Reviews (see all)
Its good , those are my type of books girly and fashion books.Oh and I love reading books!!!
Simple, easy read. Fun, but not much too it. Still enjoyable though.
Loved this book. That's all there is to it.
cute...but totally predictable
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