Anton DiSclafani
0 of 5 Votes: 4
Books by Anton DiSclafani
3.31 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: "Jedno ljeto u internatu" (kako je kod nas prevedena ova knjiga) provodi Thea Atwell, koja je tamo poslana "po kazni". Što je točno Thea zgriješila saznajemo tijekom romana, budući da paralelno pratimo njezin život u elitnom, jahačkom kampu za djevojke te njezina sjećanja na doga...
3.31 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: There was a lot to like in this book. Good, complex characters. Lovely, descriptive passages and settings. Well drawn relationships of a girl coming of age (a particular obsession of mine of late). And yet….it was overly repetitive to me. I felt like I kept getting the same reali...
3.31 of 5 Votes: 2
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review 1: This book was beautifully written and the words seemed to flow together. The reason I gave it a three and not higher was I was very much not in the mood for a book like this. This book kind of reminds me of 'The Diary of Anne Frank'. It is a typical coming of age story. It shows ...