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Maggie & Me (2013)

by Damian Barr(Favorite Author)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 3
1770893806 (ISBN13: 9781770893801)
Anansi International
review 1: I absolutely loved this book! Anyone who grew up in a small town, straight world will recognize parts of their story in this memoir. From Damian's most unlikely of role models, Maggie Thatcher, to the triumph that comes when we haven't ran away from our circumstances but have grown up, through and beyond them. There is a sense of reconciliation in this that isn't in the narratives where the protagonist runs and never looks back. It's not about the glitter and the glamor so much as it's about being true to yourself and letting that take you where you are meant to go.
review 2: I read this memoir because it was a book club choice and I'm so pleased I did. It's a quick read - a page turner. I was horrified by the neglect, violence and prejudice but what made it mo
... morere than a misery memoir was the ironic tone which made me laugh out loud. Having said that laughter both masks and lifts us out of pain perhaps that was what Damian Barr was doing? The Thatcher quotations used to begin each chapter add a chilling note. I recommend this book and will definitely read more of his work. less
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Loved this. Extremely moving and funny; evocative for those of a certain vintage.
Funny, energetically written, not self-indulgent.
Enjoyable. Funny, 80's.
Loved it.
3.8 stars
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