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The Black Nile: One Man's Amazing Journey Through Peace And War On The World's Longest River (2010)

by Dan Morrison(Favorite Author)
3.28 of 5 Votes: 2
0670021989 (ISBN13: 9780670021987)
Viking Adult
review 1: I liked the idea of the book and the history of the Nile and the areas around the Nile. I liked the non-traveler resourceful friend at the beginning. My problem was with the author. If I had met him at a camp in Juba, I would have not have stayed around to chat. He is a bit arrogant (calls his own trip "amazing" and much more interested in profiting off a story than enjoying the actual adventure of it all. Good if you want to learn about the area and don't mind the narrator.
review 2: Not knowing much about this book, I thought it would be an adventure-filled tale of travelling by boat down the Nile filled with crocodiles and rapids. I didn't realize that the boat journeying part of the book would be minimal and that there would be a lot of political and c
... moreultural analysis of the complicated histories between Uganda, Sudan, and Egypt. So, it was not what I expected, but I was pleased to know more about the complicated relationships between these nations, and also the internal conflict within Sudan. Water is going to be the new oil when it comes to international conflict and the Nile is one of the most contested rivers on the planet and this book offers some great insight into the whole situation. less
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pretty interesting read on the difficulties of transport in that area of the world.
I was expecting more of an adventure story, and less of a political essay.
Made me want to get out my backpack and have some adventure....
A well written story, the author is both funny and insightful.
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