Books: 11 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.69
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Ellen Datlow

3.83 of 5 Votes: 5
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Books by Ellen Datlow
The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People (2010)
3.8 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Every anthology is a mixed bag, especially when the stories are collected from many authors. Luckily, this is a very nice mix overall. I can't think of a single story that I really disliked, and most of the stories were quite good. For me, the two best were Tanith Lee's The Puma'...
Troll's Eye View: A Book of Villainous Tales (2009)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: This wasn't daunting to read since you don't have to keep up with each character once your done with the retelling of the story. The stories out of this collection I liked are "The Wizard's Apprentice," "An Unwelcome Guest," "The Shoes That Were Danced to Pieces," "The Boy Who Cr...
Naked City: Tales of Urban Fantasy (2011)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Checked this one out from the library. Really enjoyed some of the stories, others were meh. Some of my favorites were: Curses by Jim Butcher; How the Pooka Came to New York City by Delia Sherman; The Duke of Riverside by Ellen Kushner; Fairy Gifts by Patricia Briggs; Underbrid...
Lovecraft Unbound (2009)
4.24 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: A mostly entertaining collection of stories, with three real treasures: 'The Crevasse' and 'In the Black Mill' are excellent, but top of the pile is the unique and brilliant tale which is 'Mongoose'. Sadly, it's let down by three or four stories which are truly dreadful in thei...
Tails of Wonder and Imagination (2010)
3.41 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I'll pretty much read any anthology that Ellen Datlow (with or without Terri Windling) edits. I picked this up just so I could read the Susanna Clarke, Ray Vukcevich and Kelly Link stories (three of my fave!), not intending to read the whole thing - but I did. The quality was a...
Lovecraft's Monsters (2014)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: As with any anthology of short stories, there were some I liked better and some I liked less, but this is a great collection. There are a few poems, which were less my thing, and the stories varied from humorous set-ups for a punchline to straight pastiche of Lovecraft. There is ...
Queen Victoria’s Book of Spells: An Anthology of Gaslamp Fantasy (2013)
3.46 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: I really like the first story in this collection (which shares a title of the collection as a whole) and would happily read more related to it. Though I like the narrator more than the subject of narration, but I do like the rational, almost scientific approach to magic that is p...
The Best Horror of the Year Volume One (2009)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This was a pretty good collection-much better than Paula Guran's _The Best Dark Fantasy & Horror (2011)_. Though, what more should I expect from Datlow since she has been one of the best genre editors of the last twenty years? Because of a writing project, I have been reading ...
The Best Horror of the Year Volume Two (2010)
3.73 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Sorry to say that I thought this was a poor anthology of horror stories. I didn't like ANY of them except "each thing i show you is a piece of my death." That story was brilliant - it was like "The Ring" except so much scarier. I loved how the story stayed on the periphery - that...
Hauntings (2013)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This book is *incredibly* cool! Clocking in at 400+ pages, it has stories from some 'greats' in the business (Neil Gaiman, Peter Straub) as well as some up-and-comers (Connie Willis, Kelly Link). Whatever you're into (as far as the subject matter goes) is VERY well written, but s...
Fearful Symmetries: An Anthology of Horror (2014)
3.63 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Ellen Datlow does it again! Thanks to Netgalley for allowing me to review this, as a big fan of Ms Datlow's previous anthologies I was excited to read this latest one. It is to be highly recommended, as always in an anthoology there are some hits and some misses but you cannot de...
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