Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.72
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Hari Bansha Acharya

3.86 of 5 Votes: 3
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Books by Hari Bansha Acharya
China Harayeko Manchhe (चिना हराएको मान्छे) (2013)
4.29 of 5 Votes: 8
review 1: I am a great fan of Hari Bansha Acharya, this book is something he did from his heart. Its not a story, neither a novel full of fictions, this is simply his life, his biography. I have read many books, many biographies but the only i felt good for me was Phool ko Aankhama by Ani ...
Cheena Harayeko Manchhe (चिना हराएको मान्छे) (2013)
3.15 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Completed reading autobiography of Our very own MR.Hari Bansha Acharya,I barely read books but this was the first on my list and pretty sure will not be the last as it gave me a reason why you should start reading books. A mere comedian and dramatist Mr.acharya which people usual...
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