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The Snitch, Houdini And Me: Humorous Tales Of Death-defying Childhood Misadventure (2011)

by Johnny Virgil(Favorite Author)
4.01 of 5 Votes: 4
0615386938 (ISBN13: 9780615386935)
Jv Enterprises
review 1: I enjoyed this book, though I don't think I was yukking it up quite as much as other reviewers. That I'm female and grew up with two sisters may have something to do with that. We hit our childhood stride in the 70's too, but I have very few experiences that might rival Johnny Virgil's. I found the photos and childhood drawings (and running commentary re the same) very funny, and there were parts that made me laugh out loud. NOW, having said all that, I am the mother of two boys -- and I can well imagine what Virgil's mother must have endured. Often, as she must have, I find myself thinking/saying, "Now, WHY did you do that??!!" The book does put a humorous spin on boyhood antics, but I've found Jean Shepherd's (he's the author of the book that evolved into the movie -... more- "A Christmas Story") writings to be, quite frankly, vastly more hilarious and much more enjoyable. Virgil's childhood remembrances strike me as reminiscent of Shepherd's boyhood antics. In short, this is a fun read, filled with crazy antics and off-color humor -- but not one of my favorite "boyhood stories"-type reads, as was "In God We Trust (All Others Pay Cash) by Jean Shepherd or "Run With the Horsemen" by Ferrol Sams.
review 2: I thought this book was funny. I consider it the male version of "A Girl Named Zippy." Each "chapter" is a different anecdote from the author's childhood and adolecence in the 60s and 70s. I have to say I prefered the tales from when he was a kid as opposed to a teenager. Maybe it's because I'm a girl and couldn't relate to the stories of cars and bike stunts, etc. I liked the photos--especially the ones of the author's artwork as a kid. His commentary on those was hillarious. His mom was also a crack-up. I'm so glad I stumbled across this book. less
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Pretty funny book. I especially loved the childhood pictures chapter.
Cow pie golfing. I don't need to say anymore!
good laugh, easy read.
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