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Just When I Thought I'd Dropped My Last Egg: Life And Other Calamities (2008)

by Kathie Lee Gifford(Favorite Author)
3.14 of 5 Votes: 3
0345512065 (ISBN13: 9780345512062)
Ballantine Books
review 1: Based on the ratings for this book, I can tell people enjoy it more when they listen to the audiobook, as I did. It's fun to hear Kathie Lee read the book, and I think it helped me understand her humor and tone better than if I'd read the paper version. I don't always agree with Kathie Lee but I admire how she puts herself out there with an opinion, and yet at the same time does not take herself too seriously. The book covers some heavy topics and some silly ones, and it all makes for a nice balance and an entertaining book.
review 2: LOVED this! I started watching Kathie Lee and Hoda a few years ago, after the View turned into a soap opera and I just stopped changing the channel after the Today Show on the weekdays I'm home mornings. I love the banter they h
... moreave and that it honestly feels like you're watching 2 friends.So, just because I know Kathie Lee's been knocked around a bit, I wanted to read her book. Sure enough, lady has humor and faith that gives her strength and sees her through. She calls it like she sees it - which I find both awesome, hilarious, and inspiring. Anyone who's been pilloried as much as she has and keeps on rolling is a lady I can admire."And since we know we're all going to die eventually, why not spend each day laughing as much as humanly possible?""I've never made an enemy in my life, but if someone chooses to make you their enemy, what can you do? Nothing." less
Reviews (see all)
Was a wonderful,entertaining and insightful book. So glad I took the time for it.
This book was very vanilla and only the most surface account of KLG.
so shot me-I like kathy lee!
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