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Penguins And Antarctica (2008)

by Mary Pope Osborne(Favorite Author)
4.12 of 5 Votes: 2
0375846646 (ISBN13: 9780375846649)
Random House Books for Young Readers
Magic Tree House Fact Tracker
review 1: I liked Penguins and Antarctica. It was really really interesting. The biggest iceberg is as big as New Jersey. No dogs can go on Antarctica and no country owns it because they signed a treaty. Penguins walk with eggs on their toes. Then the female goes to the sea to feed and when it comes back the male goes to feed in the sea until it hatches. It told all about Antarctica. The planes that go there land on skis instead of wheels and on snow instead of the runway. And sometimes they go away from their camp to go do research and it's dangerous. And some birds - nothing is frightening to them. And the only times that the penguins go on their belly is when they go downhill. The first people who were there, didn't know what penguins were. Whales eat penguins. Seals ... morecan dive over 1,000 feet. The leopard seal is a really big threat.
review 2: Penguins and Antarctica by: Mary Pope osborne & Natalie Pope Boyce (2008)-InformationalThis book is the nonfiction companion to Mary Pope Osborne's fictional Eve of the Emperor Penguin part of the Magic Treehouse series. It discusses the south pole, Antarctica, penguins, other arctic animals, explorers and much more.Themes: Exploration, Species, Geographic FormationsTeaching Options: This book would be a great resource to teach science to children either as a whole group or a resource in research. It also would be interesting to compare and contrast the information between this book and the fictional counterpart, in an English class. less
Reviews (see all)
resource and documentary information provided in the tree house series
for thousands of years Antarctica was a land of mystery.
A really good insight into Antarctica and penguins.
You are not allow to touch a penguin.
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