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Well-Tempered Clavicle (2011)

by Piers Anthony(Favorite Author)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 3
0765331349 (ISBN13: 9780765331342)
Tor Books
review 1: I have been a fan of Piers Anthony for many years now and this book was a great read. I liked all the characters in the book. I liked how all the characters were friends in the past and reaquainted themselves again in Dawn's quest to find the pundora box and save the kingdom from the puns. She falls in love with her old childhood friend, Picka Bone, by the end of the book,and hopefuly live happily every after...or maybe not!
review 2: A Xanth novel...felt like he wasn't really trying, and then I read the author's note and realized he admitted that it was off. The puns weren't the problem; more the recaps to everyone they met being included, almost in full, every time and then the continuing distinctions between skeletons and humans, especially near the end men
... moretioning the eating and ablutions during the camping. Also, it was a bit choppy with characters being introduced and then dealt with in less than half a chapter or even just a page and a bit. less
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Felt like the premise was wearing thin. Lots of random encounters that stretched out the story.
Princess Dawn married Picka Bone and they settle in Caprice Castle to collect the puns.
This was more fun than the last one in the Xanth series. I'm rather relieved.
A good Piers Anthony book. Easy and fun read.
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