REVIEW: Reservations by Kindle Alexander

This was a solid 4-star for me till the last 10 pages or so of the main book (Epilogue not included).

Levi was a character I connected with( yes even with his stubbornness and overthinking about simple issues lol) . I do that a lot and as such what would’ve normally annoyed me in any other book was very realistically written in Levi’s case.

Thane was the quintessential asshole who messed up and goes about wanting to redeem himself. One thing I didn’t get though is how just a single conversation with his parents could make him do a complete 180 in attitude. I found that bit unbelievable to be honest. However,his grovelling was some of the best I’ve read so I overlooked

Also, though I understood where Levi was coming from, it got to a point I just needed him to give poor Thane an inch to manoeuvre.

I must say that Julian was actually one of my favourite characters in this book and I also liked reading about teenage boys who aren’t rude and verbally abusive as seems to be the case with any American book that has teenagers as characters. It was breath of fresh air

Now the book was going on very well till COMPLETELY unnecessary drama was introduced virtually out of nowhere. The story could have absolutely gone on without that and I still can not get why it was included. It absolutely messed up my reading experience. This also caused me to round my rating down because anytime I think about it, I get annoyed ALL over again. Ugh.

I do hope Julian’s book (which I’m definitely reading) doesn’t have any of such unwanted surprises. Once was enough.

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

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