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How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big : Kind Of The Story Of My Life (2013)

by Scott Adams(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 2
1591846919 (ISBN13: 9781591846918)
review 1: Wow. Very surprised with how much I liked this book, and how relevant I found it. I went into it thinking: "Okay, a famous cartoonist is looking for another source of cash flow, and writing a book seemed like a good idea... let's see what he's got!" I quickly deciphered that Scott Adams is just a really hard-working, energetic guy with oodles of ideas floating around in his brain, and cartooning just happened to be one of the things that stuck and made him rich and famous. I found several of his concepts very relevant, and found myself thinking about them long after I'd finished the chapter. Of particular note to me: The difference between goals and systems, The link between physical health and happiness/success, How to treat failures as a learning opportunity.If I had to ... moreboil down what I picked up into a few phrases, it would be this: Develop systems (I'll use the term "habits") that you do consistently, knowing that you'll fail at a lot of things while you learn. These habits will invite opportunity and you will be much more likely to attract success. Again, a surprisingly great read!
review 2: Decent read for the first half of the book and Adams makes some great points about "survivor bias." I've become pretty tired of the platitudes that authors offer about failure and learning from mistakes and "failing forward." When people encounter this idea for the first time, it's often a pretty powerful revelation...but it then becomes easy to romanticize failure. I agree that failure is a better teacher than success in many situations, but sometimes, there's nothing to learn from screwing up and you just accept that. Sometimes you just screw up and you're another day closer to dying; and sometimes that's the only lesson to learn.So, while the first part of the book was decent, it devolved pretty quickly into just another book on trying to be happy. less
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Best book I have read in a long time. Interesting, useful and funny.
A fun and quick read, and some very interesting advice.
Interesting/entertaining read.
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