Bandicoot Cove (3 books in series)

Island Idyll (2011)
3.76 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: 6 stars perfectly my type of story!placed at my top three most favourite books.first."Two men wanted her. Two men lusted after her. Two men she wanted and lusted after."the plot is totally something i love forever. men fight for a woman and some open competition involved. the flo...
Exotic Indulgence (2011)
3.22 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Very unexpectedly short. Wouldn't have minded it to be longer. Didn't dislike it other than her constant talk about her shoes was a bit old. But, it was just literally a one day in the life situation.Only 3 stars due to shortness. Also, she definitely seemed to favor the third gu...
Tropical Sin (2011)
3.63 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: 4.5 Stars. Wow! I don't know how this author does it, but she can take a situation that I might find somewhat unpalatable, and manage to turn it into something sweet and loving. The main story here is about two life-long friends finally realising their true love for each other. I...