Conduct (2 books in series)

Bad Behavior (2011)
4.15 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: This is book 2 in the CONduct Series. If you haven't read With Good Behavior, read that one first. "Bad Behavior" picks up where the first left off. McSailor and Bonnie are now in couples therapy, thanks to Sophie's big mouth. They both have a lot of issues and the sessions are ...
With Good Behavior (2010)
3.8 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: First off, Chicago. It's my home. I will not carve your heart out with a rusty spoon if you say you don't loooove it...but I will seriously question your judgment and count my silver when you depart my abode.But, see, Chicago is not simply a setting for a book. It's an experience...