Her Majesty's Secret Servants (2 books in series)

Outrageously Yours (2010)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: When I first picked up this title, I though the premise just a bit too hokey for me to enjoy, but I was pleasantly surprised and charmed.The “secret servant” selected for the mission is a very bookish and sensible young woman named Ivy Sutherland. Ivy is instructed to go under co...
Most Eagerly Yours (2010)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: I loved this Victorian era romance, especially the lady and gentleman spy aspects of it and the addition of a young Queen Victoria. Laurel Sutherland is asked by the Queen, who has just started her reign, to pose as a widow and investigate her illegitimate cousin to make sure he...