Legacy Of Kilkenny (2 books in series)

Malevolence (2012)
4.26 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Malevolence was a great read. The plot is different enough that you don't feel like you're reading just another were-wolf book with different names. I have to admit Oakley is my fav. He has such a sweet nature, and his flirtatiousness is so natural unlike some that can seem force...
The Legacy of Kilkenny (2011)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I must admit that it took me two tries to read this book. I was a little annoyed by the narrating way this story was told and it put me off the first time. The second time I was obviously in a different mood so I wasn’t annoyed as much but I still wished there were more dialogues...