Measure Of Devotion (2 books in series)

Measure of Peace (2013)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: This time a star was unfortunately lost, and the brilliance of Cathes Faron's writing could not absorb the impact as it could with book #1 & #2. The cover is an issue, but not the reason for the lost star. The plot is sound and Kale (Cabbage) and Jason are stronger than ever...bu...
Measure of Devotion (2012)
3.88 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This was a really nice surprise. Thank you Caethes Faron for keeping it free. I am certainly hooked, and will be buying the remaining two.While the subject of Master/slave in this context makes me uncomfortable, this was a really good story. The writing was solid, and there was a...