Stardoc (2 books in series)

Dream Called Time (2010)
3.73 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I have a lot of mixed feelings about this book and this series. Overall I liked it, but there were some really major issues that ranged from annoyances to big turn offs.First, a review of this book: Tons of action, revelations and several major transformations. A real roller-coas...
Crystal Healer (2009)
3.78 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Spoiler Alert![return]I picked up this book reluctantly since I am fond of Cherijo, and not overly enamored of Jarn. THe last two books have been entertaining, but my heart was not with Jarn--I missed Cherijo. So, I made myself a deal. I would read this book and if Cherijo was n...