Supervolcano (2 books in series)

Supervolcano: Eruption (2000)
3.02 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: After finishing this one, I have to scratch my head in wonder at the numerous backlash and overwhelming hatred it seems to garner. I'm not saying this is an amazing novel (it isn't), but at the same time, I'm not saying that it's as flat-out awful as a lot of readers would have y...
Eruption (2011)
3.02 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: LOVE a good 'doom and gloom' book! I really liked this book, though hated the character Vanessa, especially after what I am calling 'the Pickles incident'. It almost made me want to quit reading the book - but I know that is what some people would do in that situation though. M...