The Last Roundup (3 books in series)

De dode republiek (2010)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: It would have been nearly impossible for Roddy Doyle to have maintained the frenetic pace (and possibly the high quality) of his history of Ireland in the 20th century as seen in the person of Henry Salt, The Last Roundup. That may be intentional and in the long run for the best,...
Una vita da eroe (2010)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: I just ... I don't know. I truly loved the first book of this trilogy, was a little disappointed in the second, and just really felt myself struggling through this. I don't know if that's the book or me, though. There was definitely still plenty of Henry Smart to love (and be inf...
The Dead Republic (2010)
3.62 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Roddy Doyle's novels are always worth reading. His view of the world is slightly skewed, but always in a way that brings his stories and characters to life. I didn't warm up to this novel as quickly as I usually do--probably because his protagonist is more challenging and less lo...