Vampire Wardens (3 books in series)

Hot Vampire Kiss (2000)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: After reading Purple Magic, I was anxious to start on Lisa's Werewolf Society series. Imagine my surprise to discover the Vampire Wardens series. I had to read this first and so far it has been great. The three brothers seem totally bad ass. I liked the instant connection and che...
Hot Vampire Seduction (2011)
3.97 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: 2nd book in the series and it's definitely a winner. The first story featured Evan's story and I liked him immediately, I can say the same thing about Aiden, he's very likeable, honorable and fierce. These brothers are fabulous, delicious and Hawt! The story moves very fast and I...
Hot Vampire Touch (2011)
4.07 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: In the forward or prologue, the hero is named Taylor. Not so in the rest of the book or in the first 2 books of the series, for that matter. His name is Troy. This does not leave me very hopeful for the rest.I had to slog through this book, I am sorry to say. Reading it was a...