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The Temporal Stone (2000)

by Suzy Turner(Favorite Author)
4.27 of 5 Votes: 2
Suzanne Turner Publishing
Morgan Sisters
review 1: First of all I want to say that I got this book from a giveaway from Suzy Turner through goodreads first-reads. This book tells the story of a group of teenagers who attend a school for people with supernatural powers. There they learn to use and control their powers so later in life they can fight evil. Which may not be so far off. When someone tells you "Don't judge a book by its cover" listen to them. To me the cover is the worst thing about this book. There are two hypotheses for this: I didn't understand it or it has nothing to do with the story itself. Another thing that irritated me deeply was the formatting of the text. Although the letters are neither too large nor too small, the text is not aligned with the margins as usual. Turning to the characters, I can not s... moreay that I have identified with any in particular. Besides the Morgan sisters (Emma and Lana) almost no other character is sufficiently detailed. I understand that with so many characters one couldn't develop them all however I think it would be interesting to give a little more weight to the villains. I really liked Jimble (a very friendly pixie troll) but the fact that he repeats most words when talking with people becomes very annoying. On the positive side I have to point the pace at which the story unfolds and some surprising twists. The description of the supernatural creatures is also very well made and throughout the book we also find a nice romantic subplot.
review 2: The Temporal Stone followed on beautifully from The Ghost of Josiah Grimshaw with a mammoth mystery and world event that threw the Proxas Team into turmoil. So many characters played bigger parts in this book and it was fun to get to know them better.The pace of the story is good. Emma and Lana are great characters, but my favourite is still Declan. He's awesome :)The writer in me wanted to tweak the text, but that is just personal preference. The Temporal Stone is a solid story and well worth reading.If you like reading books with great, young characters, mystery, action and a little romance then you should check this book out. less
Reviews (see all)
I enjoyed this book more than the first! There's a lot more action and a lot less fluff!
Definitely not as good as the first book, slightly disappointed.
I am sure it will be the best horror books in 2013.
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