Bread Problems

Hello people,

I think this blog had pretty clearly become some place for me to riff, and write whatever comes to mind. Menial things that my mind can comprehend because it can’t grab hold of bigger things.

This is probably the simplest.

As the title suggests this is just me thinking about bread. So please turn away now go back to your homes and hug your loved ones, you should not have come here.

If you are still here I suppose you are one of those who like punishment .

Okay for real, this ain’t about bread are you kidding, but on the level it is totally about bread.

And by bread I mean like the stuff you put meat into, not like money.

I already did a money blog.

Now onto bread. Bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread bread. Bred bed beans beads breads bread bread bread.

This is DJ Bread. *note – You’ll was meant to be y’all, but apparently I didn’t do that, sorry.

Okay enough of that, sorry. I opened up the refrigerator a few days ago to find that it was full of bread, I looked into the freezer and found that it had been packed with the stuff. My first reaction was to scream, and rave as though some bread obsessed maniac had broken into house, terrifying us with his powers before killing us in some baking related way. 

But I realised that would be too simple an explanation, instead I had to gauge from the laissez fair attitude my mother had to the abhorrent living conditions.

She had done this. A blatant act of sabotage and an afront to the family dynamic.

But why?

I don’t get it. I am the kind of degenerate who, when I am in the mood, can finish off a loaf or leave few enough slices that they can sit on the counter for a few hours. If I’m not in the mood I’m not going to see all that bread and dig into that gooey or cold and solid mess. Especially when there is literally nothing to go with it.

My mum has the idea that bread should be eaten with every meal, which is fair enough at restaurants, but at home a couple slices is all I can manage. Its too much mum.

Another thing. It’s not like they aren’t making new bread every day.

That aside there is something about bread that has always bothered me. I must have been a child when I was eating a sandwich, and my craziness must have manifested because I squeezed my hand as tightly as I could. With a simple squeeze I sort of ruined my illusion of bread forever. The stuff just became this doughy gloop in my hands and I had to eat it which was horrible. 

Thanks for reading and good luck with everything.

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