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America The Edible: A Hungry History, From Sea To Dining Sea (2010)

by Adam Richman(Favorite Author)
3.34 of 5 Votes: 2
1605293024 (ISBN13: 9781605293028)
Rodale Books
review 1: If you've never seen the show "Man vs. Food" then don't read this book. You have to know Adam Richman to love him. There is something a little off about him, but he grows on you. Also, if you aren't the kind of person who is adventurous and will stop just about anywhere to grab a bite to eat, then put this book down and find an Applebee's or Olive Garden for dinner. When it is time the travel the first thing I do is search Man vs. Food and Diners Drive Ins and Dives. The eating stops along the way are in some cases more important than the final destination. I loved to read about a man who has the same focus as I do. He says things in such a humorous way and he is not afraid to be honest in his reviews of different restaurants. I know for sure if I ever make it to M... moreaine exactly where I'll be getting my lobster roll from.
review 2: Adam Richman is a likeable guy, particularly as a TV host. He is not the most advanced writer.That being said, I loved reading about his food adventures. I now have many new places to add to my "to try" list when in the cities he wrote about. He visits a mixture of tried and true tourist destinations and hole in the wall hidden gems.What I didn't like were the anecdotes, particularly those dealing with his travel partners - who were almost always women he was dating. I don't really care whether he scored in Savannah or nailed someone in Nashville, I want to know where he ate in those cities. I appreciate him adding color to the big picture, just felt too much attention was paid to secondary details. less
Reviews (see all)
I like food/travel books, and this is a pretty good one.
Good book! Wish he would have included Chicago in it!
Good read for the traveling foodie?
best book ever made #mouthwatering
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