Books by Ai Mi
3.52 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: This book is a fantastic testament to true love set in the Cultural Revolution (1970's) in China. Jingqui is a young Chinese woman on a school trip with her Geographical Unit from No. 8 Middle School. Now, I read this book twice, but I read it both times a bit of a time ago, so i...
3.52 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: This novel was frustrating. Although it offered some cultural and historical insight regarding China's Cultural Revolution, the story was so linear from cover to cover with each chapter being "ground hog day". The 2 main characters were portrayed as strong, capable and intellig...
3.52 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: Denne bog fangede min interesse, til dels fordi jeg synes forsiden er meget stemningsfuld og fordi man ikke ved hvem der har skrevet den.Som det fremgår af teksten bagpå bogen, følger vi Jingqiu i hendes unge teenageår hvor hun prøver at finde sin plads i samfundet. Hun går i sko...
3.52 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: Cuando llegó este libro a mis manos no tenía una expectativa demasiado alta con respecto a éste, digamos que lo estaba leyendo a ciegas, no leí nada más que la pura sinopsis, así que no tenía una idea muy clara sobre de qué trataba (cuando empiezo a leer un libro primero leo algu...
3.52 of 5 Votes: 5
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review 1: there was many lines that confirmed stories I've heard from my grandmother about Chinese tradition and life. i was not surprised with the way the story developed, quite predictable along the way, actually. what intrigues me is the fact that it seemed this girl jingqiu worried hal...