All reviews for Mentes poderosas (2013)
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I was very excited to read this book. The beginning had my full attention; I loved the prologue. However, I lost total interest after Ruby leaves Thurmond. The road trip was never ending, and toward the middle of the book I found myself skipping paragraphs all together. There was a lack of connection with Ruby. She is supposed to be an Orange, which was fascinating to me at first, but she hardly ever uses her powers and that bored me. I thought Liam's and Chubbs' bickering was annoying, and it's just unfortunate that I cannot finish this book. It's rare that I stop reading a book in the middle of it, but the road trip literally killed me. I could not stay in the car with them while they kept trying to figure out where they were going.
WHAT. I just can't right now. Why would you do that Ruby?! Whyyyy?!Post-read update: I believe I have just found a new series to obsess over. The concept of psychic powers being a side effect of immunity to a certain disease? Genius. The characters? Tangible. The plot? Pulse-pounding. And that ending? Torturous. I can't wait to get my hands on the second book! I'm eager to see how Ruby handles her new situation with the League, and how this whole thing with Liam pans out. God, I would do anything for that boy. *swoon*Off to Amazon to purchase NEVER FADE! Yas.
Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my GOSH
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