All reviews for One Fifth Avenue (2008)
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not quite what I was expecting - I thought this was going to be some rubbishy chick lit - I had not realised the author wrote Sex and the City. I enjoyed the book - it is a chick lit really but with a clever cynical look at New York society in much the same way I imagine Sex and the City was - having never seen it. Not many likeable characters and things were tied up a bit too neatly - but it was an amusing book to read.
not quite what I was expecting - I thought this was going to be some rubbishy chick lit - I had not realised the author wrote Sex and the City. I enjoyed the book - it is a chick lit really but with a clever cynical look at New York society in much the same way I imagine Sex and the City was - having never seen it. Not many likeable characters and things were tied up a bit too neatly - but it was an amusing book to read.
Interlocking lives of people living in the building, One Fifth.
I did enjoy this book. Read in 2011.
The fluffiest of fluffy beach reads
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