All reviews for Morsure nocturne (2013)
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I really liked the main character. Her inner monologue was entertaining and it didn't seem like the author was trying too hard to be clever. The whole book was sprinkled with amusing little bits, like the part where she mentions that she is not pretty but she can do pretty well if she is in a place with dim lights and alcohol. Or another place where she says German fairy tales are about scaring kids for liking candy. I'm paraphrasing and the author said it better so read the book.But at the same time I really felt like I related on another level. Whenever her brother was a selfish jerk I got pissed on her behalf and I really felt the devastation when she confronted him at the shelter. I thought the romance was a little on the quick side but it was still believable because with Asher the first time was enjoyable but not fireworks and rainbows good. I get a little annoyed at authors who get all poetic and flowery about every single sex moment, because that doesn't seem relatable. And then later with the other guy, she talks about the awkward moments they have, and I don't know about you, but that is definitely part of my dating experience.
Started out great for me - I was expecting another boring first-person POV female supernatural asskicker book, where the protagonist is always "Look at me, I'm in leather, I'm badass, and my hair looks great and therefore this book is awesome even though it's trite and all the humor is lame." Nightshifted wasn't that, and I liked the idea of a nurse in a secret paranormal hospital ward, a woman with grit but vulnerabilities. But then I got bored and stopped really believing in any of the plot or characters. I finished it though - a nice diversion, like watching a B horror movie on Syfy.
really enjoyed this one! Definitely continuing the series...
loved it
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