All reviews for Disastrous (2012)
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I tried...53 pages in and I couldn't do anymoreIt took a monumental effort for me to at least get to page 53. I'd have never thought I would say a book was too wordy or too forthcoming but this took the cake. I don't know anyone who puts their faults and fears out on the table after just meeting someone, that is completely unrealistic. I couldn't take anymore. I always feel quilty for not finishing a book and even as I'm writing this review I'm thinking about going back and giving it another try but it was so bad.
I just didn't love this...I hate when an author sets up a female character to be outstandingly bright (4.0 Harvard Law Student) and she is a dim bulb outside of the non-existent law studies. There was a definite lack of intuition...There were all sorts of blinking lights and red flags, but she made it through this story blindfolded. While I thought Marcus was a hot book boyfriend, he was pretty wimpy and emotional for a mobster, even a reluctant one.
it was awesome!
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