All reviews for The Overton Window (2010)
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Overall I thought this was a very fascinating book all the way around. From subject matter to the characters it kept me riveted the whole way through. It has twists and turns I did not expect but it also uses real life scenarios and ideas that only an insider like Glenn Beck could fill the reader In on. incorporating the patriot movement and all the current day topics made this book just amazing and almost scary to read at the same time. I mean everything in this book could happen in the blink of an eye. Definitely a good read and recommended to any fan of Glenn Beck or suspense novels that leave you on the edge of your seat. Read it!
I enjoyed this book. Doesn't matter what your political leanings are, the premise is scary, because it is based on things that could really happen. If you're not already paying attention to how we could (and have already) lost some of our basic freedoms in America, this gives a few good examples. Also, if you already are paranoid about this stuff happening and where it could lead in the future, this will further compound your fears. Surprisingly for me, the romance aspect seemed more unlikely than the moving of the Overton Window. Don't expect to have the story wrapped up in this book though. The next one is out already.
Quick read. Needs more depth to plot and characters.
Audiobook Husband Chose... Just not for me!
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