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I really enjoyed The Iliad by Homer, I thought the plot was engrossing despite difficult to comprehend at times, as so much happened, I had to put down the book to run through what I had just read. I also found it hard to differentiate between POV's at times. With it being one of the two or three foundational texts for all of western culture, I definitely appreciated what it taught about the depth of insight into human life, and I found myself entertained by the mythology, something I've always found an interest of mine. The analyzation of the ethics of war in the poem was very insightful and expanded my thoughts on the matter after I was finished reading.
Esta epopeya, debida a Homero, cuyo argumento es un episodio de cincuenta y un días, desarrollado en el décimo año de la guerra de Troya, constituye un monumento de la cultura universal y, en palabras de Dostoyevski, 'confirió a la ordenación de la vida terrestre y espiritual del mundo antiguo una estructura semejante a la que dio el cristianismo al mundo moderno'. En sus páginas, los dioses y los héroes actúan y luchan con impresionante grandeza. Esta obra proporciona al lector una fuente imprescindible para el conocimiento de los orígenes de la civilización clásica.
The beginning of it all.
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