All reviews for Second Shift: Order (2012)
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I'm loving this series the more I read it. Wool was all about people in a post apocalyptic time while they're all stuck in underground silos. Shift gives us a glimpse of what happened before Wool, and unravels events that lead to Wool. I like that a lot about this series, because most post-apocalyptic books completely ignore the how and why that lead to their current situation. If they don't ignore it, then they only briefly go in to details.
Decided to reread this as I still hadn't started the third instalment,yet couldn't remember where they plot line was. I don't think I'll change my 4 star review, although that is probably a generous rating based on my absolute love of the Wool series. But I may review when I've read third shift. At the moment I don't love these characters as much as the ones I found in Wool, but the premises and world continue to fascinate.
Mind blowing book. Literally, the story narration is too good. Must read.