All reviews for El Libro del Destino (2013)
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This story is about two teenage girls named Apple White and Raven Queen who both go to a school called Ever After High with their friends named Briar Beauty, Ashlynne Ella, Cedar Wood, Cerise Hood, C.A Cupid, Holly O’ Hair, Blonde Locks, Madeline Hatter, and the sister of Holly O’ Hair. The problem the characters are facing is that Raven Queen doesn’t want to sign the story book of legend but Apple White wants her to because they can all get vanished and the story book of legends would go poof. My opinion is I agree with Raven Queen for not signing the story book of legends because it’s her choice and she doesn’t want to be like her mom. My evidence is on the back of the book which says Raven Queen, however , is having doubts. As the daughter of the Evil Queen , it is her destiny to give the poisoned apple to Snow Whites daughter. But Raven has a spark of rebellion in her heart, and she knows one thing for sure : Evil is so not her style. The person who should read this is ME because I love this book so much I feel like keeping it for myself and I’m not trying to be picky I just love this book so much. Another opinion is that Shannon Hale ROCKS ! because she made the ever after high books and that’s what I want for Christmas too.
Cute, adorable, fun. Somewhat predictable, but not in a bad way. There are definitely plot holes (How do characters who never marry have children to follow in their footsteps? Shouldn't Raven's dad have a son to follow in his footsteps? So wouldn't Raven be marrying her brother? In the same vein, how is Daring Charming not Apple's brother?) but as they are short and directed at a young audience, they didn't bother me. Too much. ☺️I did have a strong suspicion as to how it would end. Many things added up to it. I was dead wrong. It was a pleasant surprise.
Very good.I have read it more than once.I want to read it again!
I t h ink it was wicked cool I wanna read unfairness of them all