All reviews for Lealtad de sangre (2014)
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OMG so much better then the first one. Okay the first one was pretty good but this one was so awesome! I can't wait to get the the next one. The only thing I hate about god and goddesses in these types of books is that they have to mess with everything and twist everything up to cause drama and problems. Why can't they leave the people alone and let them love who they want to love? I hope Evalle ends up with Storm even though that will be a battle in and of itself.
So angry. I thought all three books were out. The third one doesn't come out until Sept. -.-' Anyway. I'm glad the triangle crap is over. Storm is winner, winner, chicken dinner. But Evalle seems pretty screwed to me. Especially now that Tristan may be working with the Medb. Dun dun dunnn. I'm sure she'll be fine... but the race is fun. And rock on, Storm, for being such a badass AND romantic in the face of adversity. :) Next book please.
Check out my review on Vampire Book Club, will be posted soon!
I love it. Evalle is a good strong female character.
ceitanya makin seru
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