Books by Amanda Heath
3.99 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: 3.75 CrownsBook 1 in the new Wrath MC series I have to say I was really eager to read this book.. As you know this is my genre; throw in a love triangle and I am in book heaven. But would I be floating in memories of men in leather? or would I fall to earth with a thud? time to f...
3.96 of 5 Votes: 2
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review 1: DNF at about 60%. I am not going to rate it since I did not finish it. I loved how this book started, but somewhere along the way it felt like a soap. Then I got lost with all the characters I had to remember and what part they played in the book. Honestly I had no idea who Ca...
3.76 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: My mother always used the old motto, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"... that being said, I have a hard time keeping my big mouth shut. I'll be kind in saying that I had to call 'time of death' on this *thing* at 44%. Unfortunately, there was...
3.79 of 5 Votes: 3
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review 1: I thought this book was wonderful. I got this book on a loan. It was wonderful their was so much action but when everything that went down with Harley I was so sad for Spencer because he was so gone because the fire in her eyes was gone I thought it was so sad it made me cry and ...
3.9 of 5 Votes: 4
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review 1: This book's freaking confusing. And I'm not the kind of girl who enjoyed the storyline where brothers or sisters gotten into fight because of the same girl or boy. Seriously, blood is thicker than water! Fight for your family not 'with' your family! Grace—or Kayla's such a slut. ...
3.47 of 5 Votes: 1
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review 1: Wow! This is one hot little read!! The character is instantly someone you want to continue reading about and the life she lives is perfectly laid out for you. It's amazing to me what an author can fit in such a short story. If Author Amanda Heath can fit this much awesomeness in ...