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Cave Full Of Ghosts: The Billy Bob Tapes (2012)

by Billy Bob Thornton(Favorite Author)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 3
0062101773 (ISBN13: 9780062101778)
William Morrow
review 1: If you are even a slight fan of Billy Bob, check out this book. If you're from the south, check out this book.. If you are a music fan, check out this book. It's funny, sensitive, grumpy, touching, enlightening. No, it's not a book about he and Angelina. (There is so much more to him than a cute ex wife). No, it's not The Inquirer with stories about fellow actors or musicians (though he does know some really cool people). It's an entertaining book, transcribed from tapes made of he and the guys having a beer and telling stories. Read it. If you aren't looking for those things I mentioned, you're going to enjoy it.
review 2: This book is unreadable. The mawkish maunderings of Billy Bob Thornton are a mess of vulgarity and apercus about matters of no consequenc
... moree. A picture of Billy Wilder bears the informative caption “Great director. Great man.” Another picture names three people in it and says of the other two “The other two guys are just morons”. Witty eh?It’s not only Billy Bob who has the gift of repartee; at a recording session “Kinky had to keep reminding him to ‘shut the fuck up’. Ted’s response, using a line from another attendee: ‘You’re stealing my humanity’.”When this witty account is leavened it is only with vulgarity; as he observes at some point “That makes you want to write shit”. Well, he’s achieved his ambition.No stars.Avoid less
Reviews (see all)
Really enjoyable! I like that besides writing aboout his life and works that he rants, too.
I liked this book, but if profanities and I mean excessively used bother you don't bother!
Surprised that I could not put this down. It was a great summer read.
Very interesting book. I would recommend to anyone as a good read.
Honest and funny. Billy Bob's my new crush.
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